Friday, September 21, 2012

    With politics comes controversies, and scandals about politicians. When we first hear about a scandal it is usually heard through mass media.Majority of people believe everything they hear on news, until proven otherwise. But, is that always a good idea? How does one know or not know if an article or scandal is biased? That is why people need to read into the facts more and not just determine what is right from a news headline. This is what happened in Australia during the turn of the century. Australia was having issues with illegal immigrants traveling by inadequate boats seeking haven. There was one incident when an illegal immigrant boat was discovered throwing children over board just so the occupants and the children could be rescued. During Federal Election John Howard noted that he had photos to prove that these immigrants were just trying to fool the government into letting them into the country. Just by mentioning this, many people believed him thinking, "It must be true, he has photos. Why would he lie about that?" He used this for his election as way to show his voters that he was taking a step to control illegal immigrants. Howard ultimately won the election. Eventually the real story surfaced to the media that Howard had lied. The occupants of the boat were not throwing children out of the boat to deceive the government, they were jumping out of the boat because it was actually sinking. So should we believe everything we hear first? Or do we need to ask for evidence? The choice is up to you.


  1. You're mom must be so proud that you're blogging! But I was actually just talking about this today, it is so difficult to tell! Especially when your evidence can be skewed in the sense that we are unsure weather the boat is sinking or the occupants are illegally crossing boarders. I think it is best for people to be skeptical about the information their being fed. I wonder this sometimes, if everything we hear from the government concerning our nation is really only regulated by the government than what are we not exposed to? or am I being too skeptical now? It is really a difficult conclusion to come to.
