Sunday, September 9, 2012

About and Why I Chose This Topic

Sociology is the study of society and all others spheres of human activity. Politics is a great way to see how people within a group behave among each other and others around them. Within Politics there are sides taken all the time; if it be democrats, republicans or independents. These groups of people have different views on life, government etc. I chose to start a blog on Politics because I personally think that people who are very enthusiastic about politics are interesting to observe but also comical to watch, especially if there is debate among republicans and democrats. Watching people try to get their points of view across is so intriguing because you are witnessing something that they are so passionate about. A great example of this is Martin Luther King Jr., although he was not exactly a politician he started a revolution in the government just by starting a group of people that shared his beliefs.

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